Housing Center releases best practices for landlords manual

The Housing Research & Advocacy Center recently released “Best Practices for Rental Property Management: A Manual for Northeast Ohio Landlords,” a guide for landlords to make the most of their rental properties while following fair housing and landlord-tenant law. Part 1 and Part 2 are available online free of charge. Spiral-bound copies are available at our office or can be shipped for the price of postage. If you are interested in a spiral-bound copy for your home or workplace, contact Krissie Wells.

The manual includes tips on selecting applicants, managing properties, and how to create safe, healthy communities.

The Housing Center also offers landlord and realtor trainings, free of charge, on fair housing law. A complete calendar of trainings can be found here.

Federal law prohibits discrimination in the rental or sale of housing, and in the mortgage lending and homeowners insurance markets, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status and handicap.  In addition, Ohio law prohibits discrimination based on ancestry and military status.

The authors and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in this publication. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the view of the federal government.

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The Housing Research & Advocacy Center is a nonprofit fair housing organization whose mission is to promote fair housing and diverse communities, and to work to eliminate housing discrimination in Northeast Ohio by providing effective research, education, and advocacy. The Housing Center facilitates the Northeast Ohio Fair Housing Collaborative and is a founding member of Greater Cleveland Community Shares.

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