Support Fair Housing

Thank you for your support of the Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research. Your contributions bolster our work to protect and expand fair housing rights, eliminate housing discrimination, and promote integrated communities. The Fair Housing Center staff works as a team every day to combat housing discrimination and pursue our vision that all people have fair and equitable access to housing, one of our most fundamental human needs. We advocate to hold on to hard-fought protections won by those who have walked this path before us and for additional protections, including protection for families who receive rental assistance and those who have formerly been incarcerated and are unable to make a fresh start because of lack of housing stability. We educate community members about their basic housing rights under fair housing law. We research the ways in which our communities can eliminate barriers to housing choice and we advocate for change. 

Continuing this work and building our team requires help from people like you. People who recognize the fundamental need for fair housing. People who understand we all deserve a place to call home. In these critical times where access to housing can be the difference between safety and insecurity for families throughout our community, please consider giving to support our efforts towards a future where, regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status, or disability, EVERYONE can have a solid foundation and enjoy the housing of their choice.

Can we count on your support this year to continue our fight for fair housing?

If you can’t give a monetary donation, you can still support your neighbors in need. Please help spread the word by sharing our giving page on social media with your friends and family members. Simply copy this webpage’s URL ( and paste it into your posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or wherever you want to share it!

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